
Now that the shoe is on the other foot

I remember many things about growing up in South Africa. I remember the beauty, the food and the people. I also remember the strikes. I remember when South Africa's current leaders were trying to topple the white government in the 80's and 90's. One tactic they used was strikes. They attempted to stop the economy to bring about change.
Fasty forward 15 years.
According to (state owned airline) South African Airways pilots association spokesman John Harty, SAA pilots have been informed that they are not entitled to strike. Even though their grievances are legitimate ones like working conditions and dispute resolution policies.
The pilots who are mostly white are not allowed to strike while the ground workers who are mostly black are currently on strike. Its nice to see that the current administration is governing South Africa in the interests of all its citizens and not along racial lines.

1 comment:

Ray said...

As I have stated before; power is an ugly animal, is it any wonder that Messiah reiterated time and again, 'the least shall be first'? His own disciples struggled with taking care of their own in lieu of thinking of each other (witness James and John)!