

I was watching the news this morning and heard that the two campaigns have tenatively agreed on dates for the debates. Groovy baby. Actually the prospect of a Bush vs. Kerry debate is about as exciting as syncronized swimming in Athens. Cheney vs. Edwards does however, to borrow a phrase from Seinfeld, "scratch me where I itch". Cheney is going to eat Edwards for lunch. It will be like Clark Kent vs. Godzilla. Does anybody think that Edwards will be able to go toe-to-toe with a seasoned warhorse like the VP?


The Return of the NFL

As I sit here anticipating this afternoon's Cowboys/Vikings game I am thankful that the NFL is back. As other leagues struggle with falling attendances and labor problems the NFL continues to grow from strength to strength. I know I'd rather watch big play wide receivers and hard hitting safties than overpaid crybabies. Lock-outs and strikes. That's what fans of other leagues have to look forward to, but not us fans of the NFL. Aah, if everyday were Super Bowl Sunday. Why does Major League baseball think that revenue sharing is a mortal sin? If only MLB would learn a few lessons from the NFL were there are no small market teams. The Packers can compete with The Cowboys but The Brewers can't compete with The Yankees. Baseball needs to remember that horse racing used to be America's favorite sport. Now, hmm....nobody cares. As long as MLB thinks that it is invincible it is headed the same way as boxing and the ponies. More kids play soccer than baseball in this country. And nobody cares about soccer?


Elections and all that that implies

Political Conventions. Who needs them anyway?
They have enough pomp and ceremony to make me think that I'm in England. And does anybody except the media and the hardliners on the left and the right really care about these things? Democratic National Convention or Republican National Convention it doesn't really matter. It's pro wrestling in suits and ties. I'm tired of hearing how the opponent is worse than the candidate. I want to hear how the candidate is good for America.
Having said that I can't really see John Kerry as the Commander-in-Chief. The guy is a plastic used car salesman who condecendes to the rest of us common folk. I'm tired of elected officials acting like they're their better in every way, especially intellectually, than those who elected them. What does this guy stand for anyway? Doing a better job than the current President? Good luck pal. Doing everything George Bush is doing, but only doing it better is not a platform. It's lame. It's almost as lame as having a 12 year old girl suggest that the Vice President be put in time-out because he said a bad word. Like that's what we need in a leader. Someone who teaches kids to wag their fingers in the face of authority figures. I'd rather stick to the guy we've got. Not that I'm really a fan of George W. but at least he stands for something. Like his politics or not its easier to vote for somebody who appears to have some character.