
Good vs. Evil

When the tsunami hit Asia last year the US sent troops and money to the region. Private citizens donated millions of dollars to the relief effort. I recall that some of the nations hit by the tsunami are islamic. We gave them aid anyway.
This was in the Associated Press today. "Islamic extremists rejoiced in America's misfortune, giving the storm a military rank and declaring in Internet chatter that "Private" Katrina had joined the global jihad, or holy war. With "God's help," they declared, oil prices would hit $100 a barrel this year."

Enough said.


Deeper Still

Did anyone see Pat Robertson's "apology" for his comments concerning the president of Venezuela? He said that "take him out" does not neccessarily mean kill it could mean "kidnap". Pat said that his comments were taken the wrong way. I would comment on this but I don't think I need to.


Partners in Hope clothing drive

Today was a good day. Our ministry, Partners in Hope, concluded a clothing drive at the apartment community we live in. We had residents bring their clothing to our monthly breakfast and representatives from Mission Arlington collected them at the end. This was the kind of event we can easily do. Get those who have to give to those who don't have.
Please check out our website at www.partnersonline.org


Zimbabwe to speed up land seizure

From the BBC today.

Zimbabwe's government has tabled a constitutional amendment bill to speed up the acquisition of white-owned land.
The proposals would nationalise all land and stop appeals to the courts.

Some 4,000 white farmers have been evicted from their land since 2000, but the government says legal battles are slowing up the transfer of ownership.

President Robert Mugabe's party gained the two-thirds parliamentary majority needed for constitutional change in March's disputed elections.

Passport confiscation

Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa, who introduced the bill to parliament, told the AFP news agency that the legislation would "conclude the land question".

Other proposed constitutional amendments include the creation of an upper house of parliament, the senate and bringing all schools under state control.

Authorities would also be able to confiscate passports and impose travel bans on people thought to pose a risk to state interests.

Zimbabwe is beset with shortages of food, fuel and foreign currency, and rampant unemployment and inflation, which government critics blame on the seizure of land.

The government blames food shortages on drought and economic sabotage by Western countries, led by the UK, opposed to land reform.


Turn the world upside down

According to a recent study by UPS there is a huge demand in China for American goods.

"A public opinion poll of China’s emerging urban middle class found that high-quality personal care toiletries and consumer electronics lead the list of most desired American products. Apparel and fashion accessories and music and videos are close behind."

The study went on to say that US exports to China have risen by 80% in the last four years. It appears that the "Chuppies" of China are quite prepared to "Buy American."


Long Live the King

Elvis Presley left the building for the final time 28 years ago today. His life is truly one of the most tragic in modern history. He was the original superstar. All others are imitations of the original. You can have your one name superstars, Madonna, Prince, etc. but none of them compare to Elvis. The two best books written on the man are by Peter Guralnik, Last Train to Memphis and Careless Love. They are basically the rise and fall of Elvis Presley. Heartbreaking yet wonderful reads.


Just when I thought I had heard it all

I came across the unschooling movement for the first time today. These people believe in no formal education but that all is learned through everyday experiences. Don't teach your child to read they will learn how to do it themselves they say. Yeah right, all the kids I know just want to read, read, read all of the time. If my parents bought into this I'd be illiterate.
The scary thing is that Google returned 99,300 sites for unschooling. Yahoo returned 469,000.


Now that the shoe is on the other foot

I remember many things about growing up in South Africa. I remember the beauty, the food and the people. I also remember the strikes. I remember when South Africa's current leaders were trying to topple the white government in the 80's and 90's. One tactic they used was strikes. They attempted to stop the economy to bring about change.
Fasty forward 15 years.
According to (state owned airline) South African Airways pilots association spokesman John Harty, SAA pilots have been informed that they are not entitled to strike. Even though their grievances are legitimate ones like working conditions and dispute resolution policies.
The pilots who are mostly white are not allowed to strike while the ground workers who are mostly black are currently on strike. Its nice to see that the current administration is governing South Africa in the interests of all its citizens and not along racial lines.