
Hotel Rwanda

I watched Hotel Rwanda yesterday. Don Cheadle does a great job as Paul Rusesabagina, a hotel manager who housed 1286 Tutsi refugees during their struggle against the Hutu militia in Rwanda. I won't give any of the movie away because I think everyone should watch it. It highlights so many things that are still relevant today.

1 - Man's inhumanity towards his fellow man.
2 - The hypocricy of the West in particular as it relates to Africa. (listen for Nick Nolte's great line)
3 - If one person will do what is right no matter what the personal costs may be then many can be helped.

There is a slide show on the 100 days of genocide on the BBC website. Click here if you would like to view it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Staggering - A tenth of the population massacred in 100 days! All the while, the UN forces looking on!

We in the West simply cannot fathom (or won't) the depth of this tragedy...

I will soon be watching Hotel Rwanda...