
Why you should think before you speak

The North Texas town of Oak Point voted to make English it's official language on Monday. I'm sure that is a debate for another day.
What amused me however was a local news feature on this some weeks ago. One of the proponents of this ordinance said something along the lines of you need to speak English if you come to America. He then add that, "If I was in Mexico I would speak Spanish and if I was in German I'd speak German." That's not a typo folks.

I would think that a proponent of "English only" should at least be able to speak the language.

Moving on.

The reporter closed with this gem. "The ordinance would not apply to restaurants. A Chinese restaurant could still have it's menu in Chinese while a Mexican restaurant could still have it's menu in Hispanic." That's no typo either.


Tyrel said...

This is one of the most funniest things i heard in a long times.

Ryan said...

"This is one of the most funniest things i heard in a long times."

You are a comic genius!