I find political debates to be such a guilty pleasure. I enjoy watching them, yet afterwards, I feel like I shouldn't have watched at all. Kerry vs. Dubya I was ok I guess. Although I am now convinced more than ever before that the Dems have constructed a John Kerry robot after watching the debate. And the first question goes to Mr. Motionless Monotone. "I would like to thank......... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Kerry vs. Dubya II was much better, at least for the president. I hate the way John Kerry "respects" everyones questions. And I really hate how neither of the candidates never answer the queston they are asked. They always answer the question they wish they were asked.
Kerry Vs. Dubya III was so infuriating I had to leave the room several times. I found it appropriate that they looked the same (dark suit, white shirt, red tie) since they are really not that different. Kerry's religious beliefs allow him to support a woman's right to choose (lame euphamism for murder). Well, my religious beliefs allow me to say that murder is wrong. After watching the three debates I am stunned by how stupid the candidates think the average person is. Kerry is going to solve all of the world's problems, keep America safe, invade Iran and North Korea, build alliances, break alliances, fund every social welfare program and not raise taxes. Perhaps for an encore he could walk on water?